Search results for 'following jesus'

Search results for 'following jesus'

Your search returned 9 matches for following jesus.

New Cross-Generational Bible Study on Sundays

Teacher: Tom Cloninger and Joe Chesser Objectives: Develop a deeper understanding and practical application of the Scriptures in order to grow in seeking God and following Jesus Christ Build meaningful relationships with other brothers and sisters across the generational life stages – from young adults to our senior saints  Be a…

Women’s Article Archive

In Memory of Suzanne Dillard   ________________________ Serve One Another in Love 2/5/2017 If you have ever received food from church family after a surgery, death of a family member, or birth of a child, you know the value of our comfort food ministry. It is a blessing to be able to share these life experiences with church family. On the other hand, have you ever…

Become Like Little Children

Did you know, that in Jesus’ day, children—in general—had a different status than they do today. In most case they would have been considered “the others.” While children were honored and desired in Jewish communities and in some Roman households, in the greater culture they were less valued and often exploited—especially girls.

From Another Place

Jesus preparing his disciples for what is next. You have peace, but you won’t. I have a place prepared for you but you cannot go there yet. You can ask anything my name and I will give it, but some of you are going to die because of following me. Tension. It is about living in two worlds.

Why Stay Here Until We Die

FAITH TALK It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood to worship our great God! Thank you for prioritizing praise and joining us. It is one way to overcome the summertime blues! Your presence is an encouragement and a blessing! This Wednesday night, June 6, we kick off our Sumer Series. This is always a great mid-week summer highlight. Our guest speakers will be following…

Global Missions

Updates and Information ________________________ Updates from the Missionary Care Team Gareth & Debbie Flanary – 3.8.2020 West Springfield, Massachusetts Gareth & Debbie Flanary are hard at work for the Lord in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Their church mission is “Living a transformed life through Jesus and the Spirit”. They believe that we are all here…